Agenda - February 16, 2010
ELLEN’S DEGENERATES SHARE CLUB Agenda February 16, 2010 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre 750 Spadina Ave (southwest corner of Spadina & Bloor) ITEM # TIME TOPIC DETAILS 1 7:30 PM Sign in and payment ($10) 2 7:35 PM New member self introduction and members investment forum Members are invited to talk about what they had invested in since our last meeting. Please be brief, but explain why you chose a particular stock, if it has performed to-date, and/or what your expectations are from the investment. 3 7:50 PM Survey Results - Luke 3 8:00 PM Sector Review - Real Estate iShares REIT index 4 8:30 PM Investment review Romspen Investment Corp, Foremost financial Corp 5 8:45 PM Eckhard - Article Review 5 8:55 PM New Business